२ मुखी रुद्राक्ष (2 Faced Rudraksha- Amazing Benefits, Importance) के महत्त्व, लाभ और धारण मन्त्र

२ मुखी रुद्राक्ष (Do Mukhi Rudraksha) सीधे भगवान शिव (Shiv)और माँ पार्वती (Parvati) का स्वरुप है। इसे अर्धनारीश्वर (Ardhnarishwar) का स्वरूप भी कहा गया है। इस रुद्राक्ष को धारण करने से शिव और शक्ति का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होता है। वैसे तो इस रुद्राक्ष की उत्पत्ति  नेपाल, इंडोनेशिया व भारत में कई स्थानों पर होती है […]

जानिए रुद्राक्ष की रहस्मयी बातें, फायदे और धारण के नियम

रुद्राक्ष का क्लोज़-अप चित्र, एक शाखा पर लटकता हुआ, जो भगवान शिव से संबंधित है और उसके आध्यात्मिक महत्त्व को दर्शाता है।

रुद्राक्ष, भगवान शिव का पवित्र आशीर्वाद माना जाता है, जो न केवल आध्यात्मिक उन्नति के लिए बल्कि शारीरिक और मानसिक शांति के लिए भी धारण किया जाता है। इस ब्लॉग में, हम रुद्राक्ष की उत्पत्ति, इसके रहस्मयी पहलू, और इसे धारण करने के नियमों पर प्रकाश डालेंगे, ताकि आप इसके अद्वितीय फायदे समझ सकें।



ज्योतिष शास्त्र में सबसे प्रमुख और सबसे प्रथम अश्विनी नक्षत्र को माना गया है।

Numerology Number 7

Numerology Prediction for 2022 - Jaymahakaal

A root number 7 person is patient, serious, and has a spiritual instinct. Your relationship may be in trouble due to disagreements or a fight between you and your spouse, so you have to be very careful.

Number 3

Numerology Predictions - Number 3 for 2022

The year will bring mixed outcomes. The year is not a good time to start new initiatives, but sticking with existing ones will yield strong returns by the second quarter. The first quarter will be difficult and perplexing for you. Prioritization and managing would be challenging for you, especially on the professional front.

Number 2

Number 2 prediction for 2022

Individuals having Number 2 must be prepared for a marvelous although challenging 2022. Things will end up better, but you will encounter some significant challenges before accomplishing your life’s purpose. Challenges, on the other hand, should not deter you.

Cat Eye Gemstone & It’s Magical Benefits

cat eye gemstone is a very special benefits that has plenty of benefits.

According to Vedic astrology, Cat’s eye Chrysoberyl also known as lehsunia or vaidurya is the gemstone of Planet Ketu or South Node of the Moon. It is a gemstone with intense planetary energies and shows effects quite fast. This gemstone, representing for Ketu as per Vedic astrology, is known as Cat`s Eye, Lehsunia, or Vaiduria. The other name of this stone is Chrysoberyl Cat`s Eye. 

Parad Locket Benefits

Parad Locket

Parad is nothing but the form of fluid metal called as “mercury” which is further solidified by mixing with other metals. Parad works on the Sahasrara Chakra. Parad enhances the association with Lord Shiva and benefits in meditation and spiritual routine. Brings peace, contentment, concentration, dhyana and supports in Samadhi. Siddh Parad contains miraculous properties of healing and protection.

De Dana Dan Dhanteras!

Purchasing gold during Dhanteras is said to bring Lord Kuber’s blessings into the home. Also, according to common belief, the items you acquire on this day are worth 13 times more because of the Lord of Wealth’s blessings.

Vastu tips to follow this Diwali 2021

As per the “panchang” (Hindu calendar), Diwali Puja should be performed at the appropriate time. The Muhurats are chosen based on the fixed Lagna, the Pradosh time, and the Amavasya Tithi.