World peace is interrupted due to Ukraine/ Russia war, and everyone is praying to end it soon. Let’s understand the reasons that have led to war between the 2 Nations.

The present transit of Saturn-Rahu and Mars in Ukraine’s nation chart’s 10th House is a sign of the country’s rising violence, dissatisfaction, wrath, and cruelty. According to the astrology chart, Ukraine is transiting Jupiter Mahadasha and Jupiter Bhukti. In this chart, Jupiter rules the 3rd House (neighboring nations) and the 12th House (hidden foes). This astrological alignment signals a frightening moment for the nation, and a tense relationship with a neighboring country — in this scenario, Russia.
According to Astrology, Russia is now under the impact of the Rahu-Mercury phase. Rahu is in Russia’s 5th House, with the Moon and a retro Saturn, and in Taurus Navmansa. Mercury rules the 10th House and is positioned in the 5th House by Dashanath Rahu. As a result, Russia is likely to be inclined to take harsh measures to regain its influence over its neighboring countries. Moving Saturn-Rahu and Mars in the square with the natal Moon-Saturn-Rahu implies a continuous and combative build-up of military force that is unlikely to abate in the coming weeks.

Last but not least, while the globe is prone to upheavals, clashes, and domestic civil strife at this time, an all-out superpower v/s superpower battle seems improbable.

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