What is Reiki and how does it helps in your personal development?

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Reiki is a meditative practice that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes a positive mental state through gentle touch. Reiki self-treatment is a way to benefit from the therapy in your own home. There are 10 positions that can be done during your reiki self-treatment. Reiki for years has been used as a healing […]

रेकी से लाभ | Benefits of REIKI in Hindi

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रेकी सिर्फ शारीरिक नहीं, भावनात्मक उपचार भी है। रेकी का एक सबसे बड़ा प्रभाव ये है कि ये आपकी प्यार करने की क्षमता बढ़ाती है, इससे आप लोगों के साथ गहरा जुड़ाव महसूस करते हैं।

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